This month we are delighted to welcome our new Apprentice, Riley, to our team. Riley will be with us for just over a year, and will be working across our programme, acting as a fantastic role model to our visiting young people. Riley first came to Jamie’s Farm as a visiting young person, and so it’s thrilling that he has been able to return as a member of staff. He’s already made a great impression on our visiting groups, and he is going to be a huge asset for us.
It’s been a great start to the new school year. We were joined by three London mainstream schools – one returning school and two new partners. The first week of the academic year saw us welcome 12 wonderful young women from Mulberry School for Girls. We were then joined by The Charter School Bermondsey (formerly Compass School) with possibly the most memorable moment for the group being a day-long power cut, culminating in a fish and chip supper by candlelight!
The final week in September saw Sacred Heart Catholic School joining us for their first farm visit. The young people showed real bravery, resilience and energy throughout the week, and spent their whole train ride home chatting to members of the public about their experiences.
Our Senior Visit Coordinator Clare had a memorable follow-up visit with Bohunt School Liphook, who visited us earlier in the summer. In particular, it was especially meaningful to hear from parents of the young people about the impact that the farm had made. One mum reflecting that her daughter now really believed in herself in a way that she never had before. Moments like this really remind us of the importance of the work we do week in, week out.
As late summer turns to autumn, we’re already looking ahead to next year. Love has been in the air for our cows, ewes and goats, in the hope that we can welcome some new life to the farm in a few months’ time! Our latest arrivals – six piglets – are having a terrific time exploring our woods and delighting our young people. Farm Manager Charlotte has been thrilled with the recent worm counts, showing the positive results our regenerative farming techniques are having on the health of the soil.