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Hi there I’m Riley, I’m 18 years old and I’m a Jamie’s Farm Youth Champion. I first went to Jamie’s Farm when I was about 14 and I went with the virtual school in a small group.

Honestly all I can say is amazing things I never thought I would have enjoyed something more. Jamie’s Farm made me feel welcomed, worthy and wanted it showed me that I could do well when put into the right environment and that was true as I become so much more confident and I learnt everyone makes mistakes and you can change that. And now I’m lucky enough to be working on an apprenticeship course at Jamie’s Farm Lewes and I love it and now I get to give back to the young people we have each week and give them a chance to experience and get the best out of it just as I did.

And this is my reasoning for becoming a youth champion as I want to be able to make a change and spread my experience to prove more young people can get this out of Jamie’s farm and more outside provisions.

If I could change anything for young people, I would make more outside education so more young people get the chance to thrive and achieve in the setting that can help a lot of young people and there are not enough experiences or chances for enough young people get this chance I had. If I was prime minister for the day I would love to get to know their idea of education and show them how all young people work different and to understand different types of education. Thank you for staying and reading this I appreciate it