This month, we’ve had a real range of organisations and groups; Lambeth Youth Justice, Cheltenham Bournside and Camden Centre For Learning. This has highlighted the amazing adaptability of the team, as well as how much all young people get out of access to provisions like ours, regardless of background and circumstance. Highlights include a weeklong compost building project, teams working together when harvesting apples and making juice and of course, a spot of pumpkin carving too.
On the farm, sheep are starting to leave for winter grazing on grass fields with barley volunteers. We are starting to set up bale grazing for the Lowline cattle in late winter and working on getting water to the top of the farm. We’re delighted that the new Aberdeen Angus calved well with just one left to go!
We’ve also welcomed new team members to the housekeeping team, who have already been such a cheerful and welcome presence. It’s lovely to include more people from the local community to the farm, and to share the beauty of the Hereford farm with them. As ever, a huge shout out to our fantastic volunteers – particularly Emma Rawlins, who always lights up the kitchen with her warmth, conversation and kindness towards the young people.
This month, we also welcomed the local WI to the farm, some of which volunteer with us. They were keen to hear all about the plans for the garden, sample some of our cakes and hear more about the work that is going on in the community. What will next month bring?