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Blogs | Jun 2024

May update from Jamie’s Farm Monmouth

At long last, we’ve been enjoying some long-awaited sunshine on the farm. The swallows are back, we’ve finished lambing and our Lowline calves are enjoying some warmth on their backs. At the beginning of May, we welcomed back Haringey Learning Partnership. The young people enjoyed their time in our bluebell wood, chopping logs and making spatulas. They also made wonderful connections with our two horses, Sam and Timmy. The young people got stuck into their jobs while they were with us, and it was wonderful to see them show kindness and resilience throughout their time on the farm. 

Our long-term partner, Bertha Earth, has brought us groups from Central Foundation Girls’ School and Ark Burlington Danes Academy for a retreat celebrating the end of their year-long programme focused on connecting with themselves, each other and nature. The young people were so supportive and inclusive of others. They loved spending time exploring the forest, foraging wild garlic, taking in the wonderful views whilst conquering The Skirrid and having a fun filled walk to The Kymin which involved lots of splashing in puddles. 

We welcomed a new partner to the farm, Leytonstone School. The young people did an amazing job pushing themselves out of their comfort zone to show their potential in a different environment. We appreciated all their hard work and so much admired their positive attitudes and resilience to try new things. Highlights included feeding the lambs and making and sharing delicious pizzas in our outdoor pizza hut. Our first  Al-Fresco dining week of 2024.

Elly, Luke, Michelle and Baylee the dog spent a day in Bristol catching up with our young visitors from Blaise High School and Merchants Academy.   

At Blaise High School, cookies were baked, gardening jobs got done and a pizza lunch was made. During a check in, some young people shared that they were feeling more positive about themselves since their time on the farm and they now recognise that the routine of an earlier bedtime and earlier wake ups really does have a positive impact on how one feels.   

When Elly met the young people and staff from Merchants Academy, they all enjoyed reminiscing about their time and achievements on the farm. The young people loved watching the celebration film and receiving their Jamie’s Farm certificates and postcards.     

Bronny visited The Nobel School, a long term partner of Jamie’s Farm Monmouth. All of the young Jamie’s Farmers gathered together for a breakfast of delicious pain aux chocolates and fruit, before excitedly watching their highlights film. Lots were asking after the farm dogs and Pumpkin, one of our fluffy Buff Orpington hens. 

This group of Year 7’s have grown to be very supportive of each other. We hope the bonds they have built will continue through the rest of their time in secondary school. We look forward to continuing the special relationship with The Nobel School and welcoming another group back next lambing season. 

Hawthorn High School organised a lovely follow up visit. Family members and carers were invited to be part of the celebration in which we watched a film about the young people’s week on the farm, presented certificates and postcards. The young people were very proud to share what practical skills they had learnt on the farm. They also reflected that being outdoors and active was good for their mental health, they don’t need to be using their phone as much and they now have more friends. 

Congratulations to Ellie Smith, who is stepping into a new role as Garden Specialist. We’re looking forward to Ellie sharing her love for all that grows with the young people who come to us.

This month we welcome Sebastian Hervas-Jones and Paula Forrest to the Monmouth team. Paula has joined our housekeeping team and Seb is currently working with the various contractors on building the Farmers Cabins, a new project set to provide sustainable income to Jamie’s Farm through letting out these beautiful spaces.

We are very excited to be hosting our Open Day Saturday 13th July, a chance for the community and visitors to come and see the farm, meet some of the team, and learn more about what we do, as well as enjoying some delicious food and hopefully some glorious sunshine! Please do sign up if you would be interested to come along on the day.

Register Here!