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Fundraising Resources

Thank you for supporting Jamie’s Farm!

This page is filled with online resources to help you promote your fundraising, as well as tips and training plans. We will be there every step of the way so don’t hesitate to contact us directly if you need anything!

Fundraising Tips

Sponsor me!

Use your social media channels, email and Whatsapp groups to tell everyone you are fundraising for Jamie’s Farm. Use our ‘support me’ social media assets to help with this. They are also useful to use on your JustGiving page to give it that personal touch. 

To encourage people to sponsor you, send them Dia’s Story or Adele’s Poem to bring the message of what we do at Jamie’s Farm to life. If people know why you have chosen Jamie’s Farm to fundraise for, they’re much more likely to donate. 

Our short charity video is a great way to bring the Jamie’s Farm experience to life. All our videos are available on our Youtube channel.

Say thank you

Once you’ve received a donation, send one of our Thank You letters from the young people who have spent time at Jamie’s Farm. It’s always a great idea to tell the Jamie’s Farm story from the perspective of those benefitting from your fundraising. 

Fundraising ideas

It’s important to get going early with your fundraising so you have plenty of time to focus on your challenge. Whatever you choose to do, remember you are making a real difference to vulnerable young people across England and Wales who need your help, now more than ever.  

Something small

  • Invite friends for a delicious brunch, afternoon tea or dinner and ask them to donate. 
  • Sell any unwanted clothes via Vinted or E-bay and donate the money to your Just Giving page.
  • Give friends and family the opportunity to vote for a costume you will do the challenge in if they sponsor you.
  • Request donations instead of Birthday or Christmas presents – or even in lieu of Wedding gifts!

Fundraising at work

  • Matched giving – A simple way to double your fundraising! Ask your company to match the amount you’ve raised and it instantly doubles the impact.
  • Parties – Whatever time of year – spring, summer, autumn or winter – there’s always a good excuse to throw a party. Why not raise money for Jamie’s Farm at your Christmas or Summer do by holding a raffle or selling cakes.
  • Sports events – Golf days and football competitions will inject a bit of competitive spirit into the workplace. Charge people to enter or get sponsored by friends and family. 
  • Fancy dress – Ditch those suits and ties for a day and charge everyone £1 to dress up. Those who don’t dress up should get charged double!

Training Tips

To help get you to the start line feeling ready and prepared, we have a collection of materials to support with your training and nutritional plan.