The past month has been a fabulous variety of groups visiting the farm. We welcomed back Coop Academy Woodlands where these young farmers seized every opportunity that the farm had to offer, in the woodshed, the garden, the kitchen and out on the farm itself. Throughout the week, great teamwork and resilience shine through and through.
We developed an exciting partnership with The Bay Leadership Academy. The young people were a great help scanning our sheep and chopping wood. As well as being fantastic farmers, they were very creative in the kitchen – smoothie heaven and pasta power!
At the end of the month, we welcomes back Cardiff Children Services. The young people were superb at looking after our animals and did a grand job or exercising our pony, Timmy, over some very high jumps!
With some sightings of spring sunshine, we’re looking forward to longer days ahead and more brilliant and hard-working young people on the farm.
Jo visited ACT Pontypool to catch up with our visitors from the end of November. Lots of memories shared and it was wonderful to hear the young people speak about the positive changes they recognise in themselves since their time on the farm.
Bronny and Ellie caught up with The Dean Academy group, a school local to the Monmouth farm. Despite torrential rain, the young people were enthusiastic and chatty throughout a walk in the local area, also accompanied by Podders and Princess Pendle – some of the ever-popular farm dogs.
The group were delighted with their highlights film, reminding them of their week on the farm. Quite a chatty room was soon enthralled in silence. Since being at the farm, many of the students have grown in confidence and find it easier to make more friends. All were incredibly proud to be presented with their certificates, reminding them of their fantastic achievements. Ellie and Bronny are both looking forward to more catch ups with this group of proud young Jamie’s Farmers.
Dan and Jo spent a day in local Cardiff schools – St Teilos and Eastern High. They would like to thank Karen Payne and Rhys Nicholas for organising these visits and to all pupils and staff for making them both feel so welcome!
Out on the farm, we have sold all of our Lowline cows for this year, including 4 young heifers who will be off to Europe once continuing Brexit issues relax, some steers to a returning customer in the Cotswolds and some cull cows and steers to a new business that offers conservation grazing services in the Gloucester, Wiltshire, Monmouthshire and Herefordshire regions.
Everyone has been happy with their purchases, and it has meant we now have room for 6 more cows to join us from the Hereford farm. This means all our Lowlines are all in one place.
The lambing shed is getting ready to welcome back our pregnant ewes, who have been grazing some lush grass to get them in ‘fine fettle’ to have their lambs.
Ellie put on an event at “regenerative equine grazing” in conjunction with the National Landscapes team. There was a huge amount of interest and support from local people who could clearly see the positive impact our horses are having for biodiversity, flood management and soil health.
So lots of exciting bits and bobs over February! We very much look forward to sharing our update next month.