We were excited to kick off the new academic year with one of our returning partner schools, Bridge School Malvern. All of the young people had been to the farm before, and it was so wonderful to get the opportunity to see how much they had matured and progressed since their last visits. They got stuck into making the farm a new outdoor pizza oven, learning building and cobbing skills.
We also had the joy of working alongside a local charity partner, The Family Place. This time we worked with 4 families, all of whom embraced the magic of the farm, young people and adults alike. Each family enjoyed apple pressing – picking, pressing, bottling and designing the labels!
Next, we were impressed to see that a bit of wet weather never seems to be enough to putt off the young people from Holmleigh Park. Whether it was sliding down grassy hills, splashing in muddy puddles or exploring all the way up the stream, this group seemed to want to get involved with water. Their excitement for exploring their surroundings was infectious, as some of the adults may have got a little muddy too.
Stock on the farm is looking very well and in brilliant shape coming into winter. Our lambs are loving grazing on herbal leys, and it’s pleasing to see how quickly this bounces back after being grazed. Our single bull calf is coming along nicely and is a firm favourite among young people, especially when able to bottle feed him.
We are hoping to acquire more rescue hens from a rescue charity, and we would appreciate any recommendations if our supporters know of any rescue hens or ex-layers available locally. Do get in touch if so!
We couldn’t be more excited to welcome our new Farm Manager, Warren. He joins us from a career in chicken farming and agriculture engineering in Herefordshire. He has thrown himself into the Jamie’s Farm way of life and 3 weeks in, it feels like he’s been here for years. Here’s to many more farming sessions, improved biodiversity and healthy, happy livestock to come!